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PAF vows to defend Pak soul

Flag Hoisting AHQ ISBLahore: Pakistan Air Force joined hands with the nation to celebrate 67th Independence Day of the country with due fervor and dignity.  The Day commenced with offering of special “Dua’” in mosques of Pakistan Air Force all over the country after the Fajar prayers. All airmen and civilian staff of Pakistan Air Force, assembled at their respective Bases, Units and Headquarters to sing Pakistan’s National Anthem.

The Flag Hoisting Ceremony was held at Air Headquarters, Islamabad. Air Vice Marshal Saeed Muhammad Khan, hoisted national flag and read out the Air Chief’s message of the day. Air Chief Marshal Tahir Rafique Butt, Chief of the Air Staff, Pakistan Air Force, saidin his message, “On the anniversary of our independence, I wish to assure the entire nation that PAF will leave no stone unturned to accomplish its national obligation of providing an impregnable aerial defence to the country.  May Allah Almighty grant us the strength and vision to discharge our responsibilities in line with the finest traditions of our glorious service, to be worthy of the nation’s trust!”

On the auspicious day of independence, similar ceremonies were also held at all PAF Air Commands, Air Bases and other establishments.

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