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Home / Latest news / Speaker National Assembly refuses to accept the safarash of PM’s son in law

Speaker National Assembly refuses to accept the safarash of PM’s son in law

Speaker National Assembly Ayaz SadiqLahore: Speaker National Assembly Ayaz Sadiq has said that he has developed a system of merit in National Assembly,now all the recruitments are made through Federal Public Service Commission and  staff is promoted upon their performance according to the seniority list, he even did not entertain the sifarish of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s son-in-law MNA Capt (R) Muhammad Safdar .

He was talking to the delegation of Journalists Group from Lahore led by president Arshad Ansari and President Punjab Assembly Press Gallery Committee Qamar Bhatti.The officer bearers of PRA were also present on the occasion.

The Speaker said that Drone attacks are not acceptable at any cost,if drone attack is carried out in USA than what would be her reaction ?,why US hit the taxi of Mullah Mansoor in Pakistan and why not he hit that taxi in the Iranian territory ,he questioned .

Ayaz Sadiq said there was no room for deputy prime minister in the constitution,there was a clause in the 1973 constitution to tackle the situation if the prime minister becomes ill and could not perform his duties,in that case the senior minister takes the charge and perform as an acting prime minister that clause was deleted by the 8th amendment in 80’s, he made it clear that neither he nor the interior minister Ch Nisar Ali Khan are candidates for acting prime minister rather they pray for complete health and speedy recovery of his leader Muhammad Nawaz Sharif.

He offered capacity building courses for the journalists from Lahore and the other parts of the country.

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