Lahore High Court, Lahore, on Friday took notice of the news published in a section of press regarding police torture on orphan students by Narang Mandi Police. District & Sessions Judge, Sheikhupura has been directed to probe into the matter and submit a detailed report regarding steps taken by the local police along with his own comments.
According to details, Syed Muhammad Hafeez Shah, resident of village Mangtanwala of Narang Mandi, told that he dropped his brother at an examination center for matriculation exams. He was waiting for him at road outside near examination center. When SHO of Police Station Narang Mandi, Rana Muhammad Iqbal appeared over there with his squad. Police picked both the brothers and kept at Police Station for five hours. Hafeez Shah further told that in police station, Sub-Inspector Akbar Bala and other officials severely beat them and abused them like heinous criminals. Both the brothers kept begging to leave them. Victim brothers had appealed the higher authorities to probe into the matter and action against the said police officials.
LHC Complaint Cell took serious notice of the news and directed the concerned D&SJ to look into the matter and submit report within a week positively.