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CCP condemns Kamra Base Attack

Lahore: Concerned Citizens Society of Pakistan (CCP) has strongly condemned the dastardly attacks in the holy month of Ramazan on Minhas Air base, Kamra and tragic killing of 22 innocent citizens enroute to Istore Gilgit in 3 passenger buses to celebrate Eid with their families. Both these heinous crimes have been owned by so-called TTP. CCP organized a protest at the Liberty Chowk in Lahore to protest against unfortunate incidents.

These shameful acts are direct attacks on the national assets and solidarity of Pakistan. It is inconceivable for any Muslim to perpetrate such terror on Muslims, especially on the holiest of holy nights of peace. They should be apprehended immediately and awarded deterrent punishment when their guilt is established. We extend our deepest sympathies to the bereaved families of these innocent victims.

The pre planned attack on Kamra air base could have been averted if authorities had taken heed of timely warnings. They must augment the security arrangements at such sensirive installations to make them fool proof. Whereas the heinous killing of 22 innocent passengers near Naran is a serious security lapse. Given the tragic history of previous such occurrences, the convoy of three passenger buses proceeding to Istore, Gilgit should have been provided appropriate police and rangers escort. This incident could have been avoided with a little bit of care. This negligence can perhaps be attributed to the selfish focus of political leaders and bureaucrats on protecting themselves with unduly large security escorts. If even 50% of these security measures had been diverted towards protecting key national installations and towards ensuring the security of innocent citizens, these tragic incidents could have been avoided.

Setting up Inquiry Commissions after such occurrences can prove beneficial only if their findings are made public within one week and remedial steps are taken immediately. We still await the reports of Abbotabad (Osama) Comission, Mehran Base attack commission and many other such inquiries. Is withholding such vital information part of a sinister strategy to perpetuate chaos to achieve personal ends?

On the occasion of the Eid festival, the citizens are entitled to peaceful celebrations with their loved ones. To work against negative forces is the real struggle that is needed for a prosperous, tolerant and respectable Pakistan. There are many positive workers amongst us, and we need to strengthen and highlight their contributions, giving hope and direction to our future generations. We urge our leadership to discard the politics of divisiveness and confrontation and to work together for a peaceful progressive Pakistan, free of exploitation, poverty, ignorance and terrorism.

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