The Inspector General of Police Punjab Hajji Habib-ur-Rehman claimed that during the past five months, the crime rate has registered a considerable decrease all over the Punjab province and the incidents of kidnappings for ransom have almost been controlled by implementing an effective strategy in Katcha Areas, adjacent to Dera Ghazi Khan. The same strategy is being implemented in Lahore to bring down the crimes graph.
The meeting also decided to restore the old designations of police posts including of the IG, Additional IGs, DIGs, SSPs, SPs and DSPs rather than using the nomenclatures of CPOs, DPOs and SDPOs.
It was also decided that the recruitments would be ensured merit-based and DIG Zulifqar Cheema will prepare examinations question-papers for recruitments in police and the candidates with more height than the required 5 feet 7 inches would be given additional marks while electronic gadgets would be used for checking of physical fitness of the applicants so the process could be made error free.Where as job quota for female candidates in the police department has been increased to 15 per cent from the previous 10 percent.