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State institutions thought of their supremacy than of the country : MMA

Lahore : The MMA announced the biggest public meeting in Pakistan’s history in  Islamabad on May 13, with the resolve to redirect the country towards its Islamic ideology and unite its Islam loving forces.

MMA President Maulana Fazal ur Rehman, while making this announcement at the national workers convention in the federal capital on Wednesday, said that the objectives of the creation of Pakistan had not been achieved even after seventy years of independence because the interests of the rulers had been different.   

He said that even today, the hidden forces were trying that the religious forces should not come on a single platform. However, he said, he would invite all the Islam loving forces to join hands. He said if the secular elements could unite despite their differences, why could not he Ulema.

Ameer, Jamaat e Islami, Pakistan, and MMA Vice President, Senator Sirajul Haq,  in his address, said that the MMA was not after power, and its destination was the Islamic system. He said the Muslims of the sub continent had offered sacrifices for the enforcement of the Shariah and the Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah , had on more than one hundred occasions, stated that Pakistan’s constitution and manifesto had been revealed fourteen hundred years ago. However, he said that the after the Quaid e Azam, the mental slaves of the British took hold of the country and state institutions and drifted the country away from its real goal.

The JI chief said politics in Pakistan meant cheating, loot and plunder. “ We seek refuge from such politics” he added.

He said that political leadership guided the nation towards a goal. He said that a new Pakistan could not be built by promoting vulgarity and dancing and introducing new ways of corruption.

The JI chief said that the rulers could not strengthen democratic order in the country so far. He said that establishment of the Islamic government was the biggest Jehad in the present situation.

Commenting on the slogan of “respect for the vote “, he said that respect for the vote implied provision of jobs to the unemployed, medicine for the sick and food to the hungry.

He said that these days, party tickets were issued on the basis of the bank balance of the candidates. However, he said, the JI and the MMA talked of merit.

Sirajul Haq said that Pakistan could not help the Kashmiris, Palestinians, the Rohangyas only because of the present system.

MMA Vice President Prof. Sajid Mir, said it was strange that the non political people seemed to be more active than the politicians in the country and state institutions thought of their own supremacy than of the country.

He said the MMA was inviting the nation towards Makkah and Madina and not towards Moscow, Washington or London. The MMA wanted to introduce the system that had been given by Allah and His Prophet and which guaranteed the success of both this world and the hereafter. He said the MMA had reminded the nation of the Pakistan ideology.

MMA vice president Allama Sajid Ali Naqvi, in his address, said that the religious alliance would protect the identity and the status of the country. He said that MMA like alliances were did not exist in any part off the world as it believed in the respect for all. He said the MMA had played its role in every challenge and even in the foreign affairs.

He said the target before the MMA was to send capable and honest people to the parliament as this could help bring about reforms.

MMA vice president Pir Ejaz Hashmi commended the role of JI Ameer, Sirajul Haq in the revival of the MMA. He said it was time that the nation discarded the feudal lords and capitalists and voted for the MMA enabling it to form government.

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