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General elections must be held on schedule : Sirajul  Haq

Lahore : Ameer, Jamaat e Islami, Pakistan, Senator Sirajul  Haq, has said that general elections must be held on schedule in order to avoid a political crisis in the country.

He was addressing the Supreme Council of the JI Youth at Mansoora after his return from a twelve day visit to Europe.

Sirajul Haq said that uncertainty still prevailed regarding elections. He said that the former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s threat to fight against the institutions did not auger well for the democratic system.

He said that liberating the country’s politics from the hold of a few families was a big challenge.  He said that as long as the politics moved around a few individuals and families, the dream of people rule could not be realized.

He said the JI was the only truly democratic party in the country and it was striving for real democracy in the country. He said that land mafia, sugar mafia, drug mafia had taken shelter in political parties and after reaching the corridors of power through their ill gotten wealth, they abused their authority to amass more wealth and totally ignored the electorate’s welfare. As such, the people who voted these elements to power, cursed them throughout their tenure. He said that the electorate should have to review its attitude in this respect.

Sirajul Haq said that the corrupt elite was responsible for the mass illiteracy, unemployment, lawlessness and lack of health facilities.  The feudal lords and capitalists were devouring the fruit of the hard work of the labourers and peasants.

He said the JI wanted to make the workers and Haris shareholders on the profits and earnings of industries and lands.

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