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Pakistanis have already rendered enough sacrifices in war against terror : Shahbaz Sharif

Lahore : Chief Minister Punjab, Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif has said that strong and vibrant societies tend to evolve and produce solutions to the problems they face organically and indigenously. An effort at imposing external solutions has often come to naught. A free and proud people need not be told by others what challenges they are facing and what course they need to adopt to move on. They both have the ability and intellectual clarity to identify the challenges and tackle them successfully.

 In a statement released by his office, the Chief Minister urged his fellow Pakistanis to view the overall geopolitical and security challenges faced by Pakistan as an unprecedented opportunity to begin to define a truly sovereign and independent vision of its future in line with the ideals of its founding fathers – one that allows Pakistan to fulfill its destiny as a tolerant, moderate and welfare Islamic society and be a harbinger of peace, hope, development and pluralism in the world.

 The Chief Minister said that the constant allusions to American assistance in larger conversations about regional peace and security represent salt on the wounds of the millions of Pakistanis that have endured the burdens of terrorism, poverty and poor governance. He said that the Pakistanis have already rendered enough sacrifices in man and material for achievement of shared objectives of terror-free and peaceful world. It is time for Pakistan to politely and gratefully close the chapter on US assistance – so that the bilateral relationship can be freed from the shadow of continuously repeated the contemptuous taunts.

CM Punjab added that he believes that the Pakistani people crave the opportunity to be treated fairly, honorably and justly and remain committed to contributing to the world peace and prosperity. Pakistan has never shied away from advancing our shared objectives as a member of international comity.

However, the job of providing for and leading the people of Pakistan out of different challenges falls to Pakistani leaders. Other countries can help Pakistan by having a fair appraisal of regional and global affairs and trying to understand Pakistan’s legitimate concerns. Over the years, many countries, including the United States, have helped the country improve health, education and other service delivery areas for Pakistanis – and this vital support continues to be welcomed. He, however, added in the same breath that no country should see their generosity as a justification to make unfair accusations and demands of the Pakistani people.

 The Chief Minister pledged to continue to work tirelessly to serve the people of Pakistan, and to try to help bridge the distance between the current scenario and the Pakistan of Quaid e Azam’s dreams. “It has been my firm belief and an article of faith that we can only rise from poverty and indignity through tireless efforts and by getting rid of aid which injures our self-respect. We have to learn to rely on ourselves and the ability of our people to change their fate,” he concluded.

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