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PITB signs MoU to improve Hajj Monitoring System

10-7-15, Lahore. Chairman PITB Dr. Umar Saif & Federal Additional Secretary for Ministry of Religious Affairs Dr. Sajid Yousfani sign MoU.Lahore: A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between Punjab IT Board (PITB) and Federal Ministry of Religious Affairs & Interfaith Harmony (MoRA & IH) at Arfa Software Technology Park on Friday. Inked by the Chairman PITB Dr. Umar Saif and Additional Secretary MoRA Dr. Sajid Yousafani, the MoU will strengthen the prevailing Hajj Management Information System hosted at the PITB.

Further details reveal that the PITB will establish a state of the art Call Centre in Pakistan and Hajj Helpline for entertaining inquiries, complaints and taking suggestions operative 24 hours and 7 days a week for the Pilgrims throughout the year. The system’s web portal for Hajj Monitoring System (HMS) will also provide access to the officials while Complaint Management System (CMS) will give option for citizens to file their suggestions.

The PITB will provide 30 Android Mobile Phones on loan basis to MORA & IH for a period of 3 months to be used for complaint registration (crowd sourcing) and taking feedback from field officials regarding Hajj Groups Organizers through monitoring with GIS coordinates and pictures. The system will also give online status of each Haji such as detailed profile, transferred to a medical facility, deceased, lost /found, complaints filed, suggestions given, call made at helpline, etc. Hajj Monitoring System will facilitate to report any incident such as fire breakdown, stampedes, etc. that would carry a different level of escalation and alert mechanism for the authorities to mobilize and respond accordingly.

Dr. Umar Saif said that the system would run comprehensive Lost & Found Cell along with reporting a displacement of a Haji, document, money, luggage or other valuables. Similarly a full inventory management for lost and founds will also be established in KSA, he added. Dr. Sajid Yousfani while speaking on the occasion paid homage to the Punjab Government for rendering wonderful services to MoRA in making the Hajj registration and balloting so easy.  He said that PITB’s Hajj MIS decreased the Ministry’s load of work to much extent and also made it hassle free.

He thanked Chairman PITB and his team on facilitating pilgrims and MoRA & IH through skillful use of modern technology. He hoped the new joint venture would further ease the difficulties of Hajis and all other stakeholders.

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