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Asif Ali Zardari condemns the arrest of farmers in Lahore

Lahore: Former President Asif Ali Zardari has condemned the manhandling and arrest of farmers in Lahore protesting against rise in pesticide prices.Those who manhandled and bundled farmers into prison vans have transgressed authority and must be brought to book,the former president demanded.

Co-Chairman Pakistan Peoples Party said that the farmers have a right to hold peaceful protest demonstration to demand justice.He said that as a result of the government policies the farmers growing potatoes, wheat and rice have been worst affected,continued apathy towards agriculture sector would result in slump in national economy and unrest in the rural areas,he maintained.

Asif Ali Zardari said that Present govt is victimizing the farmers because the PPP led govt always supported the farming community.

The former president said that PPP will stand by the farmers and raise its voice for the promotion of agriculture and welfare of the farmers. Present govt had not yet fulfilled its promise of subsidy of Rs 5000/maund to them.

Former President Asif Ali Zardari deplored as ‘criminal’ the continued neglect of the agriculture sector and farmers by the present govt that has led to deep sense of frustration among the farming community and steep decline of agriculture in the country

PPP govt’s policies of increasing wheat support price and fixing tariff for tube wells at Rs 8/unit enabled country to become self sufficient in wheat and brought prosperity to the farmers

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