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South Asia’s developments to decide world future

Lahore: Former Ameer of the Jamaat e Islami, Pakistan, Syed Munawar Hasan, has said that the developments in South Asia would decide the future of the world and the results of elections in India and Afghanistan would make the situation clear. He was addressing the concluding session of the JI central workshop at Mansoora on Tuesday.syed munawar hasan

Prof. Muhammad Ibrahim, Member of the Taliban Coordination Committee, and JI Punjab chief, Dr. Syed Waseem Akhtar, also addressed.

Syed Munawar Hasan said that the success of the government-Taliban talks was important for peace and development, not only in Pakistan but the entire region. He said, had Pakistan not sided with the US and NATO, they would have been defeated years ago and withdrawn from the region.

Pakistan, he said, enjoyed veto power in the region because of its strategic location. He warned that if Islamabad supported Washington in its designs to contain China and build India as regional policeman, it would be suicidal and would tantamount to making our future generations salves of Hindus once again.

Syed Munawar Hasan said that the PPP, the ANP and the MQM were talking of operation under an agenda to fail the PML(N) government. Therefore,  Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif should take courageous decisions for ending the stalemate in the talks because success of the talks would be the first step towards a bright future for the country and the nation. He said the US, after its defeat in Afghanistan, was playing a satanic game to complete its agenda.

The US knew that it could not contain China or build India as regional power without Pakistan’s support. As such, the US wanted such governments in Afghanistan and India as  were its puppets and helped in blocking the emergence of an Islamic bloc comprising Pakistan, India and Afghanistan.

He said the secular lobby in this country was trying to fail the talks under the same agenda. Therefore, he said, it was a test of Prime Minister Nawaz Sjharif’s wisdom and courage to carry the talks to success and thus foil the enemy designs.

Prof. Muhammad Ibrahim Khan, in his address, said that the Taliban accepted the constitution which declared the Quran and the Sunnah as supreme law of the land. He said the allegations of Taliban’s not believing in the constitution were only meant to hide the violations of the constitution by the past governments. He further said that in a murder case, the Quran and the Sunnah did not give the  right of clemency to anyone except the heirs of the victim, thus the  President’s powers to pardon the murderer was clear violation of the Quran and the Sunnah.

Dr Syed Waseem Akhtar, in his address, said that there was One man show in the Punjab with the Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif in the centre while the whole province suffered lawlessness and crime.

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