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Sirajul Haq takes oath as fifth Ameer, Jamaat e Islami, Pakistan

pic 2Lahore: Sirajul Haq, who took oath as fifth Ameer, Jamaat e Islami, Pakistan, here Thursday afternoon, said in his opening address that five per cent elite of the country had been holding 95 per cent masses as hostage for the last sixty five years and was controlling the resources of the country and the people would have to unite against them.

Syed Munawar Hasan, the outgoing Ameer of the JIP, administered oath to Sirajul Haq at an impressive ceremony held at the lush green lawns of Mansoora. Representatives of different religious and political parties. Speaker of the Khyber P Assembly, some provincial minister of Khyber P, senior journalists, intellectuals, besides large number of JI leaders and workers were present on the occasion.pic 1

Sirajul Haq urged all political and religious parties to unite and sign a charter for running the country in accordance with the constitution which provided a basis for evolving the society on Islamic lines, and also to obstruct the dictatorial rule for ever.

The JI Ameer paid tributes to the armed forces for rendering best services for the country’s defense and solidarity under most trying circumstances.

He said if oppression and exploitation was stopped, Pakistan could be put on the path of progress and stability.

Sirajul Haq said that the Arakeen of the JI had placed great responsibility  on his shoulders by electing him as Ameer although there were many others in the party much better than him. He urged the JI workers to extend him every possible help for running the JI on the path adopted by the founder of the JI, Maulana Syed Abul Ala Maudoodi, Mian Tufail Muhammad, Qazi Husain Ahmed and Syed Munawar Hasan.

Sirajul Haq made it clear that the JI was not against the US, India or any other non Muslim country. However, it was against the US which was the biggest Taghoot, evil force of the present era and was carrying out the massacre of the Muslims all over the world.

The JI Ameer appealed to the Khadam e Haramain Sharifain, the King of Saudi Arabia to play his role in uniting the oppressed and disunited Muslims all over the world and also to review the Saudi Arabian policy in regard to the oppression against the Akhwanul Muslimoon in Egypt and the ousted Egyptian president Dr Morsi.

He said that China was our neighbor and a great friend, and  the JI would like to strengthen relations with her. He also urged the world community and the Muslim rulers to raise their voice against the tyranny of the Bangladesh government on the JI leaders in that country.

Earlier, Syed Munawar Hasan, in his address, said that the election of Sirajul Haq was the puff of a cool breeze and the JI leadership had passed to the  truly deserving and able person. He advised the JI workers to continue their efforts for the establishment of the Islamic system and pass on the task to their future generations.

He also advised the JI workers to pray for the success of the government- Taliban talks upon which peace in the region depended. He said that the JI had been calling for dialogue with the Taliban from the very beginning while many parties had opposed that. However, now the Nawaz Sharif government was holding talks with the Taliban in line with the demand of the entire nation.

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