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Home / Latest news / Pir Ijaz Hashmi elected president,Shah muhamad Owais Norani Sec.general for three years

Pir Ijaz Hashmi elected president,Shah muhamad Owais Norani Sec.general for three years

Pir_ Ijaz_ Hashmi_ elected__president_Shah _muhamad_ Owais_ Norani _Sec_General_ for_ three_ years Pir_ Ijaz_ Hashmi_ elected__president_Shah _muhamad_ Owais_ Norani _Sec_General_ for_ three_ years Pir_ Ijaz_ Hashmi_ elected__president_Shah _muhamad_ Owais_ Norani _Sec_General_ for_ three_ years Pir_ Ijaz_ Hashmi_ elected__president_Shah _muhamad_ Owais_ Norani _Sec_General_ for_ three_ years Pir_ Ijaz_ Hashmi_ elected__president_Shah _muhamad_ Owais_ Norani _Sec_General_ for_ three_ years Pir_ Ijaz_ Hashmi_ elected__president_Shah _muhamad_ Owais_ Norani _Sec_General_ for_ three_ yearsLahore: Central working committee of JUP unopposedly elected Pir Ijaz Hashmi president,Shah Muhammad Owais Norani Sec.general for three years.Shah Muhammad Owais Norani was also elected chairman supreme council of the party too.

Chairman Election Commission Professor Javaid Awan along with the two other members Abdul Haleem Khan Gori and Fayyaz Khan conducted the elections here at Fardos Market Gulberg in which 250 members of the central committee voted.

Three candidate names were presented for President including Qari Zawar Bahadar,Shah Muhammad owais Norani and Pir Ijaz Hashmi,Qari Zawar and Shah Muhammad wuthdrawn their names from the contest and Commission announced pir Ijaz Hashmi president of the party for three years.Five names were presented before the central working committee including Qari Zawar Bahadar,Abdul Haleem Inqalabi,Shahzad Chisti,Shah Muhammad Owais Noraniand Mufti Fazale Jameel Chisti for secretary general but all the other four names withdrawn and Shah Muhammad Norani elected unopposed secretary general of the party.Sahibzad Ahmad Mian was elected senior vice president of the party.Ameer Markazi Jamaat Ahlesunnat Pir Mian Abdul Khaliq took the oath from the newly elected office bearer .At the occasion,newly elected president and secretary general welcomed the ceasfire announcement from Taliban and said now government have to take steps to maintain order in the country if he failed then his inefficency would be proved and new elcection would have been announced to elect the elegible leadership,they added.

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