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Why ITNE was not formed; IHC sought report

Shamsul Islam NazIslamabad High Court has asked the federal government to submit reply within fortnight as to why Chairman and members of Implementation Tribunal for Newspaper Employees (ITNE) have not been appointed which is prerequisite under section 12 of the Newspaper Employee (Conditions of Service) Act (NECOSA) 1973.

The order has been issued on a writ petition filed by Afzal Butt President of Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) in which the petitioner  contended that “the ITNE has become inoperative due to retirement of its chairman and its members were not appointed for the more than 14 years”.

He pointed out that “under the NECOSA, the ITNE is supposed to secure implementation the Wage Board Award decisions. However, due to the non-availability of the Chairman and its members of ITNE, the whole process has become stand still causing innumerous problems to the newspaper employees”.

The petitioner further contended that “hundreds of the cases of the newspapers employees have been piled up which are remained unattended for want of the Chairman and members of ITNE”.

According to the petitioner, “the 7th Wage Board Award was required to be implemented from 1st July 2000 for the newspapers employees but the owners of the newspapers indulged in litigation in various courts and already got delayed its implementation for more than 132 years”.

Mr. Justice Noor-ul-Haq N. Qureshi after hearing the contention of the petitioner directed the Federal Government, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting and  Law & Justice Division to submit its reply “why the members and chairman of ITNE were not appointed so far”.

The learned court directed the respondents “to submit the reply within 14 days”.

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