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LHC revampes urgent cell for the benefit of litigants

Lahore High Court, Lahore, has revamped urgent cell for the benefit of litigants and lawyers. It will be fully equipped with latest information technology and automation services meeting the requirements of modern era.

There will be an information counter for proper guidance of the new comers. Everyone will get token and seat number of the official for filling his/her petition. Facilitation of the aggrieved persons is the approach of the LHC behind the modernisation of this Cell.

The Cell will serve as one window operation and all the facilities for the litigant public and lawyers will be provided under one roof. All kinds of cases i.e. Civil, Criminal, Constitutional, Writ petitions and appeals etc will be received over there and at the same time the objections, if any, will be got removed at the spot by the lawyers or concerned parties present there. In order to facilitate the litigants – the major stakeholders of system of Justice and lawyers community, abundance space with sitting arrangement has been provided. For easy access to general public, the urgent cell is housed on ground floor facade of the ministerial block of LHC.

The opening sheet on the top of the case has been revised and its scope has also been enhanced. Earlier this document was meant for civil revisions only but now it is mandatory for every case being instituted in the LHC. Now it will contain all necessary details of the case including legal questions raised, case law as well as the sections of the Cr.P.C or P.P.C. attracted therein. Mobile numbers and e-mail addresses of the lawyers and the parties will be added in the opening sheet, so that they would be informed regarding status of the case through SMS/e-mail. Earlier this facility is limited to counsel only and efforts are afoot to enhance this gesture to all the parties mentioned in the petitions. It is worth mentioning here that efficient trained staff has been appointed in the said cell. The strength of employees in the cell has also been increased in order to avoid any inconvenience to people approaching LHC for redressal of their grievance.

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