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Corruption free politics could save Pakistan:Munawar Hasan

Lahore: Prominent speakers addressing the pic Ahmd here on Sunday said that Pakistan could be saved only by wiping out hereditary politics besides corruption

They stressed the need for Muslim unity to foil the conspiracies of the colonial powers and for the liberation of Kashmir, Palestine and other occupied areas.

They said the Pakistani rulers who were supporting the US agenda undermining the country’s independence and sovereignty were not loyal to the country, and that loot and plunder was being protected in the name of democracy.

Terming the services of Qazi Husain Ahmed and Prof. Ghafoor Ahmed as unforgettable, they said that all other must follow their footprints for steering the country out of the prevailing crises.

Presided over the Ameer, Jamaat e Islami, Pakistan, Syed Munawar Hasan, the national conference was addressed by Defae Pakistan Council president Maulana Samiul Haq, Jama’t Al Dawa chief, Hafiz Muhammad Saeed, PMN(N) leader Sartaj Aziz, PTI chief, Imran Khan, Javed Hashmi, Maulana Hanif Jaulandhry and others.

The international session of the conference was addressed by the Tunis’s Rashidul Ghinoushi, Turkish Saadat party chief, Mostafa Kamalak, former Ikhwanul Muslimoon leader Muhammad Mehdi Aakif, and son of former Turkish Premier Dr Najmud din Erbakan, Fateh Erbakan, Sudan’s Abu Bakr Siddique. They paid glowing tributes to Qazi Husain Ahmed and said his services for the Muslim unity and supremacy of Islam were unforgettable.

Addressing the moot, Syed Munawar Hasan said that every next day would witness an open clash between Islam and secularism, He said the JI did not want a turmoil in the country or a bloody revolution. It only wanted rule of the constitution and the law.
He said, to ensure free and fair elections, every relevant provision of the constitution must be implemented in letter and spirit, and only the people fulfilling the constitutional requirements be allowed to contest the elections.

He said the JI would make every effort that the votes of the religious minded people were not divided.

The DPC chief, Maulana Sami ul Haq said that Pakistan was in a state of war at the present. World colonial powers had attacked the Muslim world like hungry wolves. He said the US and its allies including the Pakistani rulers did not want the supremacy of Islam in the country. He said the US had attacked Afghanistan only because an Islamic government had been formed there. Hundreds of Ulema and religious scholars had been killed in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Sectarianism was being fanned. He said these enemy forces could not be defeated unless the religious leadership faithfully followed the life of Qazi Husain Ahmed and Prof. Ghafoor Ahmed.

Jamaat al Dawa chief, Hafiz Muhammad Saeed told the conference that Qazi Husain Ahmd wanted to see a united Muslim world and the field of his struggle was very vast. Qazi Husan Ahmed considered the issues of Kashmir, Palestine as the issues of the Muslim Ummah. He said Qazi Sahib had brought together the leaders of divergent views under the MMA and the Milli Yakjehti Council. Throughout his life, Qazi Sahib tried to end the curse of sectarianism .

He said that after Soviet Union’s defeat in Afghanistan, a grand conference was held in Kabul to celebrate victory. Qazi Sahib had been the guest of honour there. He said when the US invaded Afghanistan and the Pakistani rulers decided the support the US, he met Qazi Sahib in Madina and found Qazi Sahib quite sure about a bigger defeat for the US in Afghanistan. He said the day predicted by Qazi Husain had dawned although Qazi Husain was not with us.

Veteran Kashmiri leader Syed Ali Gilani, addressing the moot by telephone, said that had the Pakistani rulers faithfully followed Islam’s golden teachings instead of acting as agents of secular powers, this country would not have been dismembered and Bangladesh would not have emerged. He said the blood letting in Quetta and Karachi could end up in a disaster.

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