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GCDA announces solution of Drs Service structure issue

Lahore:The president General Cadre Doctors Association & Pakistan Medical Society Chairman Masood sheikh has said that unless the general cadre doctors who have been serving since last 15- 20 years are given their due promotion in approprite scales, it will not be justified to induct a Medical officer in grade 18, otherwise the seniority of thousand of the serving general cadre doctors will be at stake.

He added that the issue of doctors is not that the service structure is not present, but it has not been implemented in letter and spirit, and there needs correction in its implementation and also modification in the exiting four tier service structure and making it more doctors friendly.

He said that if the flaws in the exiting services structure are corrected then 13000 general cadre doctors who are waiting for their promotion from last 16-20 year will get its benefit and will be in a position to serve the nation with a new spirit. He was addressing the emergent meeting of general cadre doctors association on the current issue of service structure here at lahore.

He added that while increasing the salaries it should also be kept in mind that the increase in salary should be proportionate for different grades, not just giving more perks and privileges to the doctors who have recently joined their services.
Dr Masood sheikh said that general cadre doctors association GCDA have formed a committee to evaluate the issues of service structure of general cadre dcotors , comprising of Dr Haq Nawaz Bharwana, dr Masood Sheikh, dr Arif iftikhar, dr Nazeer choohan, dr Rana Rafique, Dr Riaz, Dr Amir , Dr Asad shah, dr alia, dr fauzia . The service structire committee have charted out four points agenda for the General Cadre Doctors that will solve most of their problems.

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