Lahore : Former Prime Minister Ch Shujaat Hussain has said that it is not the responsibility of Imran khan alone to face Corona, it is the responsibility of all of us that we should also safeguard ourselves, this has happened for the first time in the history of Pakistan.

He said in a statement here today (Monday) that the daily wager when he leaves his home in the morning for earning livelihood then standing throughout the day in the chowk when he does not get any work then from where he will take food for his wife and children in the evening, as such I will ask well-to-do people that they take the responsibility of ration for at least two families, the rich will not get poor by this.
Ch Shujaat Hussain said that “subedars” of the provinces target the federation of criticism by getting their performance published in the newspapers, such political leaders should not try to resort to statement mongering, this is not the time for political statement mongering, this may not happen that they fall in the grip of Almighty Allah.
Ch Shujaat Hussain said that in particular I want to warn those people who take advantage of compulsion of the people and sell cheap things at higher cost that such “haram kamai” will be of no use for them.