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Usman Buzdar starts following the steps of Shahbaz Sharif

Lahore : Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar has started following the steps of Shahbaz Sharif and undertook sudden visit of various areas of Lahore without protocol. He took round of different markets with his protocol staff and main roads without security. Usman Buzdar himself drove vehicle and took stock of partial lockdown situation. He monitored latest situation relating to government steps being implemented by visiting Shahra-e-Awan-e-Tijarat, Shahra-e-Quaid-e-Azam, Shadman, Jail Road and other areas.

The CM stopped his vehicle at few check posts and commended police personnel for vigilantly performing their duties. He also viewed closure of different markets and bazaars.

Usman Buzdar paid tributes to trader community for fully implementing government steps with regard to closing down markets and bazaars. He further complimented that trader community has performed its national duty by fully ensuring implementation on government decision in this hour of distress and difficulty.

CM appreciated that law enforcement personnel are diligently performing their duties on roads, market places and bazaars. Usman Buzdar appealed to the masses to remain inside their homes so as to protect themselves from coronavirus and should not get out of their houses without genuine need or reason.

CM also expressed his anger and displeasure over presence of extra traffic on few roads and directed concerned officials to convince citizens at check posts to confine to their houses for personal protection. He further maintained that undertaking such visits provide awareness about ground realities. Usman Buzdar underscored that government has taken preventive measures in order to safeguard lives of the masses.

CM admired that Prime Minister Imran khan after taking into account ground realities and current situation has taken excellent decisions in the best interests of the country and nation. Usman Buzdar vowed that we are standing by the masses in this time of trial and tribulation and my every moment is devoted to save the masses from coronavirus pandemic.

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