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Home / City / PFA found all milk shops in Makkah Colony involved in adulteration

PFA found all milk shops in Makkah Colony involved in adulteration

Lahore : The Punjab Food Authority continued its crackdown against adulterated milk in the metropolis and disposed of 1,870 litre chemically contaminated milk amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

The dairy safety teams visited 10 milk and yogurt shops in Makkah Colony Gulberg and inspected totalled 6,2440 litre milk during the operation.

He said that Al-Hadi, Al-Meezan, Paa Gee and Pak Rehman Milk Shops were involved in the wicked practice of milk adulteration. He said that 46.75 maunds milk was disposed of after it was proved that milk had contamination of polluted water and harmful chemicals. The authority was also found the low level of Lactometer Reading (LR) in tainted milk.

Meanwhile, enforcement teams have issued warning notices for improvement to six four food business operators (FBOs) including Al-Noor Milk Shop & Kasuri Falodha, Al-Jannat, Haji Milk & Falodha, Al-Fazal, Umer Dairy and Malik Amin Milk Shops.

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