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PTI government’s performance is totally disappointing : JI Shoora

Lahore : The central Shoora of the Jamaat e Islami has termed PTI government’s  performance so far as totally disappointing and said that the failure of its economic,  political, internal as well as foreign policies was a big national tragedy.

A resolution adopted by the Shoora preside over by JI Ameer Senator Sirajul Haq said that the speed at which the government had failed and lost popularity was itself a record and even after passage of one year, it was at Zero point so far as its agenda was concerned.

It said PTI’s promises of building 350 dams, five million low priced houses, provision of ten million jobs for the youth, plantation of  ten billion saplings, curtailing state expenditure and ending protocol had become a dream.

It said that Prime Minister Imran Khan had been terming IMF loans as suicidal but the government had accepted IMF loans on most stringent terms. The value of the rupee had fallen to a record low and the rise in the prices of electricity, gas,and POL despite fall in POL prices in the world markets had angered the masses.

It said that the budget was being imposed through un-parliamentary tactics.

The JI Shoora said that flood of taxes had led to the closure of the textile and several other industries and the business community was highly disappointed. On the other hand, it said , the opposition parties had disappointed the people by giving priority to the release of their leadership to the economic issues.

Under these circumstances , it said, the JI had decided to play the role of real opposition and seeking  relief for the poor masses.

The JI Shoora said the impression that the political decisions were being taken not by the parliament but by some other institution was most disturbing.

It said that the statements of non political institution about the reference against Justice Fayez Isa, heavy taxes on the general public besides the business community were mater of deep concern. The Shoroa demanded withdrawal of the reference against Justice Fayez Isa.

The resolution said that the Prime Minister’s support to India for UN Security Council seat instead of lobbying against India’s unlawful occupation of Held Kashmir  was a total deviation from the national Kashmir policy.

The Shoora said it was unfortunate that the party talking of the state of Madina was promoting secularism and facilitating the Qadyanis thereby hurting the sentiment of the Muslims. It also slated the governments support to the Zionists against the Palestinians. The Shoora warned the government against tampering with the laws concerning Khatam e Nubuwwat and Namoos e Risalat.

It however said that the failure of the government did not mean that one should be disappointed from the democratic system. It also announced to continue JI’s drive against corruption.

The Shoora urged the masses to realize that the PTI government had also failed to solve their problems like the past governments and that the solution of all their problems lay in the enforcement of the Islamic system.

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