Lahore : Ameer, Jamaat e Islami, Pakistan, Senator Sirajul Haq, has said that the nation had always been deceived in the name of progress and prosperity and the PTI’s case was no different.
He was addressing the participant s of the JI central workshop at Mansoora.

Sirajul Haq said that the present government had increased the country’s problems tremendously and the masses were facing extremely hard times. Price hike and unemployment had become serious issues.
He said that a large number of people who were in the past regimes had joined hands under a new label and were causing grave disappointment to the masses. He said the nation had voted the PTI due to its slogan of “Tabdeeli” in the way it had voted for the PPP’s slogan of “roti, kapra and makan” or the Muslim League for its slogan of “Qarz Utaro, Mulk Sanwaro.” However, he said, the PTI had caused greater disappointment to the people than the previous rulers.
Sirajul Haq, who has recently returned from a four week visit to Saudi Arabia, said that Overseas Pakistanis and their family members had voted for the PTI in large numbers and had also financed its election campaign. However, he said, that these people had been worst hit by the PTI policies due to rise in the dollar price and devaluation of the rupee. He said that the problems of the country could be solved only with good intentions of the rulers. However, he said, the people in power were not competent to resolve the issues facing them.
The JI chief said that the enforcement of the Islamic system was the only way to solve the problems facing the nation and the country. As long as the rulers remained defiant to the system given by Allah Almighty, they would have to bow at every door and face humiliation and failure. He said the masses had tried all other parties till now and the Jamaat e Islami remained their last hope now.
The JI chief noted that the JI was the only democratic and progressive party in the country. He said that several national and international institutions had acknowledged the honesty and integrity of JI leadership . He said the World Bank, the Transparency International and even the Supreme Court had accepted the honesty of the JI leaders, its welfare activities and its truly democratic character.
Sirajul Haq said the JI wanted the state to play the role of a mother who is always kind and loving to her children.