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CM Usman Buzdar chairs meeting to review the price control mechanism

Lahore : A high-level meeting was held under the chair of Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar at his office on Wednesday to review the price control mechanism in the province. The meeting decided to devise standard operating procedures (SOPs) for controlling prices. The Chief Minister directed that indiscriminate action should be initiated against hoarders and profiteers. The industry department should formulate new SOPs in collaboration with the line departments. He said that public interest is supreme and strict action will be initiated against those found involved in artificial price-hike. Jail is the best place for such hoarders, he added.

The Chief Minister directed that cases should be registered against illegal profiteers found involved in looting the people and the number of price control magistrates should be increased according to the need. He expressed the displeasure over non-action against illegal profiteers in some districts and added that Deputy Commissioners of such districts will be asked to explain their performance. He said that price control committees have been constituted at district level which should actively perform their duties. He reiterated that any artificial price-hike in rates of vegetables, fruit and pulses will not be tolerated and the DCs should personally monitor the steps taken for price control in their respective districts. He directed that implementation on the decisions made in the meeting should be ensured and prices and quality of essential items should be regularly checked in Sunday bazaars. He said that report should also be submitted about the rates of essential items at mega stores and added that they will not be allowed to violate the law. Steps should also be taken to stable the price of sugar in the market. The line departments should personally monitor the auction process in vegetable markets and the situation of cleanliness should also be improved there. The line departments should fully realize their responsibilities and an effective monitoring mechanism should be devised to implement the decisions made in the meeting. Nobody bothers to work unless and until the Chief Minister does not issue the instructions. This should come to an end now and the departments should deliver to the people, he added.

Advisor Ch. Muhammad Akram said that general situation of vegetable markets is deteriorated and the cleanliness system is also not up to the mark. Meanwhile, exorbitant prices of essential items are charged in mega stores and the consumers are exploited. Effective mechanism is essential for stabilizing the chicken prices and it is also needed to work on emergent basis for improving the price control mechanism. Secretary Industry gave a briefing about price control mechanism.

Advisor to CM Ch. Muhammad Akram, IG Police, ACS, spokesman to CM, secretaries and high officials attended the meeting. Commissioners and RPOs participated through the video link.    

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