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Jimmy Engineer reveals his paintings about the Partition

Internationally famed and reputed Pakistani artist,social crusader and peace activist Jimmy Engineer has underlined the dire need for the revival of Pakistan Movement in true sense in the prevailing circumstances as the country is passing through most critical juncture of its history for safeguarding, preserving and strengthening the national security, solidarity and integrity of the Motherland which continues to face host of internal and external challenges, problems and threats.
In a statement issued on the eve of 71st Independence Day celebrations falling on August 14, 2018, Jimmy Engineer said that recourse in the right earnest to the somehow forgotten golden principles of the Father of the Nation i.e. Unity, Faith and Discipline will surely and certainly greatly help us in facing the external as well as external threats and challenges to the country and the nation boldly, squarely, unitedly and courageously as Pakistan has come into existence as the result of great struggle and sacrifices of millions of Muslim men, women and children under the inspiring leadership of the Quaid-i-Azam and Inshallah will remain on the world map forever with the continued blessings and mercy of Almighty Allah.
Jimmy is presently in Houston, USA, spending some days with his elderly parents there till first week of September when he will proceed in the next leg of his goodwill tour to Canada where an exhibition of his paintings will be held on The Mall, Erin Mills Town Centre, Mississauga, Ontario from September 7 to 14 . He will also be delivering a talk on the inauguration of his solo paintings show.
About his having painted on huge canvasses different aspects of the Partition, creation of new motherland and migration of the Muslims to their new homeland, Jimmy Engineer said that he is genuinely proud of having depicted the Pakistan Movement showing in colours the sufferings and sacrifices of millions of Muslim men, women and children and their migration to the newly created Motherland amidst hopes and expectations for starting their life afresh in the land of the pious souls Pakistan.
He said that he regards these Pakistan Movement huge paintings as his major artistic achievement as these have given him great recognition, appreciation, fame and reputation not only within the country but also the world over as a masterly creative artist.
He reiterated that he had created series of these huge Pakistan Movement paintings , which are still very relevant in the prevailing circumstances and carry huge price tags in the international market, out of sheer imagination and innovative thoughts as he himself was born on August 13, 1954 seven years after Pakistan had come into existence to a Parsi family in Loralai, Balochistan.
He said few years after he had started working as a professional creative artist he suddenly started having bad dreams and hallucinations about bloodshed and violence continuously. Religious scholars including Sufi Barkat Ali of Darul Ehsan Risalewala near Faisalabad on being approached advised him to start transforming these dreams on the canvass. He did accordingly and the result was number of huge Pakistan Movement series of paintings. He said when he was working on a big canvass, bad dreams stopped as suddenly as these had started coming and he had left that painting incomplete there and then.
Jimmy Engineer said that over the years he has been donating the prints of his famous Pakistan Movement paintings to different institutions and organizations throughout the country and on display there for public viewing. He said thathe is still ready to make more such donations of his these paintings prints as the younger generations in particular need to be apprised, informed and educated about struggle and sacrifices of their forefather for the creation of Pakistan and reminded of their duty as well as obligation to preserve, safeguard and strengthen the national unity, solidarity , security and integrity no matter how much cost they have to pay for this always remembering the golden principles of the Quaid-i-Azam i.e. Unity, Faith and Discipline.

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