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Zardari outs Raza Rabbani from the race of chairman Senate

Lahore : Co chairman PPP Asif Ali Zardari has made it clear that Raza Rabbani is not his choice for Chairman Senate.While talking to media after having meeting with Molana Fazal ur Rehman , Asif Zardari talked to media and said Molna is his friend , he has asked him to support in coming Senate elections and he will give reply after consultation with his party members.

At the occasion ;Molana Fazal ur Rehman briefly stated his point of view and said we has met PML-N Quaid Nawaz Sharif and now with friend Asif Zardari and soon would announce our decision after Shoora Meeting.

Asif Ali Zardari was questioned that Nawaz Sharif offered his support for Raza Rabbani if he will be nominated by PPP but he replied that he is not my choice and walked away.

Meanwhile ; Mr Zardari removed Farhatullah Babar as his spokesman after critical farewell speech in the senate.

Foreign minister Kh Asif in a tweet commented that Exit of Farhatullah Babar & refusal to accept Raza Rabbani as consensus candidate an indicator that ideological face of ZAB ( Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto ) & BB (Benazir Bhutto )shaheed’s party is not compatible with Asif Zardari’s commercial interest..for Zardari Bhutto name is a franchise.

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