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Miftah Ismail called on Punjab Chief Minister

Lahore : Finance Advisor to Prime Minister of Pakistan Miftah Ismail called on Punjab Chief Minister Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif, here today.

During the meeting, matters relating to strengthening of economy and ongoing projects initiated under China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) came under discussion.

On the occasion, the Chief Minister said the goal of self-reliant and prosperous Pakistan is our mission adding that all-out resources are being utilized for the purpose.

He said that sufficient improvements have been brought in the national economy due to the solid economic policies of the government and trade and industrial activities have been increased in the province. It is heartening that effective steps taken by the government to strengthen the economy have bear fruit.

The rehabilitation of the sagging economy which the government inherited is a marvelous achievement of Pakistan Muslim League-N government. Due to effective development strategy of the government, trade and economic activities have been boosted and lakhs of new job-opportunities have been created due to increase in investment.

The Chief Minister said that CPEC is a gigantic initiative of national development and prosperity and a lot of CPEC related projects have been completed across the country. Thousands of megawatts electricity has been included in the national grid due to completion of energy projects under CPEC.

He said that world is wondering over speedy completion of the projects in Pakistan. It is sanguine that CPEC has proved a game-changer in the real sense as it has opened the doors of foreign investments to Pakistan. We are thankful to the president, prime minister as well as the people of China over the mammoth investment package under the CPEC.

He said that CPEC is a great initiative of a friendly country which will never be forgotten by the people of Pakistan and the investment made under this project has further increased bilateral relations between the people of both the countries.

The CPEC related initiatives will change the destiny of the nation. He said that CPEC has emerged as a project of vital utility and this venture will play an important role with regard to elimination of terrorism and fanaticism along with poverty alleviation from the region. The economic corridor will usher in new era of socio-economic development and as a result, Pakistan will become the focal-point of trade and economic activities. In fact, the CPEC project will alter the course of history.

He lamented that the opponents of public development tried to hinder the CPEC project adding that the elements damaging the national interest for the sake of personal agenda are not loyal to the country.

The Advisor Miftah Ismail said that Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif has taken unprecedented steps for the development of the province and in fact, the development process in Punjab has emerged as a role model for others.

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