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PAT to stage protest at Mall Road on 17th of January

Lahore : In the light of the decisions of All Parties Conference arrangements have been finalized to hold protest on the Mall Road on 17th of January and leaders of Pakistan Awami Tehrik and Tehrik-e-Insaaf visited Chairing Cross to give a final touch in this regard.
President Tehrik-e-Insaaf Abdul Aleem Khan and PAT Leader Khurram Nawaz Gandapur expressed while talking to the media that all options would be open and sit in, rally, lock down or protest anything can happen and final decision would be announced by the leaders on 17th January.

They said that party heads of all major parties like PPP, PAT, PTI, PML(Q), Jamat-e-Islami and others would be attending and unanimous decisions would be taken.

Answering the questions of the media Abdul Aleem Khan said that present government has lost moral credibility to remain in power as they have crossed all the lines.

He said that it is the hard fact that 14 lives have been lost three and half years ago while 100 innocent people have sustained injuries but not  a single person has been set responsible for that incident.

He said that if culprits of Model Town incident have been caught then police did not dare to do again firing on the citizens in Kasur the other day.

Abdul Aleem Khan said that no matter the martyrs have association with any party first of all they are the citizen of Pakistan and we let not them go as helpless.

He told that in the light of the decisions of Steering Committee strategy would be formed regarding the protest of All Parties for 17th January and all the Mall Road would be ‘ pandaal ‘ for protestors.

MPA and Central Vice President of PTI Mohammad Shoaib Siddiquee also briefed regarding the arrangements of the protests and a number of decisions were taken in this regard.

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