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Niazi Sahib has learnt no lesson from the history : Shahbaz Sharif

Lahore : Punjab Chief Minister Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif has said that due to obstinacy of sit-in party; the national economy was severely damaged and an attempt was made to ruin the economy through sit-ins and lockdown. After the failure of sit-ins and lockdown, these elements have reappeared in a new guise. Despite of failure of sit-ins and lockdown, Niazi Sahib has learnt no lesson from the history. It is unbecoming of Niazi Sahib to talk about accountability after partnering the corrupt elements. The groundless allegations leveled against the most-transparent elected leadership of the country have no value. No corruption scandal came out in the tenure of Muslim League-N government. Rapidly completing energy and other development projects have made the opponents unnerved because they are fearful that the completion of most transparent projects will put an end to their remnant-politics.

Chief Minister Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif expressed these views while talking to elected representatives who called on him today.

Chief Minister Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif said that the sun of Niazi Sahib rises every morning with a new lie and added that the head of sit-in party is devoid of ethics and understanding of democratic norms. Due to leveling of baseless allegations and lies, the lie-speaking expert politicians have lost their worth in the public. First these elements made full attempt to devastate the national economy through sit-ins and then again tried to weaken the country through lockdown.

He said that instead of public service in his province, this politician is bent upon weakening of democratic system. Meanwhile, the real face of these elements has been fully exposed before the people when they attacked the national institutions during the sit-ins. More and more lies are the hallmark of politics of these elements. The people who have got their loans worth billions of rupees wrote-off are standing beside Niazi Sahib and a former Minister belonging to the corrupt rulers of the past, is delivering lecture after joining the “Ehtesab Party.” This man kept the machinery of Nandipur Power Project at Karachi Port detained for three years just for the sake of money and due to it, the machinery was rusted and it caused loss of billion of rupees to the national exchequer.

He said that it is beyond the capacity of the politician having undemocratic behavior to understand and solve the pain and problems of the people.

The Chief Minister said that the corruption and plunder of past rulers is known to everybody even today. In the past tenure, every new day was started with a new scandal of corruption and the plunderers of resources of poor nation should avoid talking about corruption today as these elements have plunged the nation into darkness and ruined the economy.

He said that our opponents are unnerved due to rapid development of the country. The four years are witness of PML-N government’s transparency and a new example has been set by saving national resources worth billions of rupees through transparency in the development projects. He said that politics of chaos is very dangerous for Pakistan. The PML-N has always given priority to national interest as its politics is based on public development and prosperity. The Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif has put the country on the track of economic development with his effective strategy and acumen. The conscious people will never let the nefarious designs of elements to succeed who are trying to push back the country through their negative politics.

He said that secret of national development lies in unity and not in disunity and we should adopt the policy of collectivism instead of individualism in the larger interest of the country.

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