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Kabul is hostile towards Islamabad due to our wrong policies : Siraj ul Haq

Lahore : Ameer, Jamaat e Islami, Pakistan, Senator Sirajul Haq, has said that Kabul had turned hostile towards Islamabad due to our wrong policies.

Speaking at a meeting held at Al-Markaz Peshawar on Friday to review the FATA situation, he said there was dire need for policy review in regard to Afghanistan and other neighbouring Muslim countries in order to improve relations with them.

The JI chief said that the Indian lobby in Afghanistan had become strong because of the failure of Pakistan’s foreign policy. India sitting in Afghanistan was trying to weaken Pakistan from economic, defense and ideological viewpoint, he added.

He said that the situate ion in Afghanistan directly affected FATA because of the lengthy border with Afghanistan. He said that peace in the country was contingent to the peace in Afghanistan.

Sirajul Haq said that the war on terror had destroyed the entire infrastructure in FATA. The FATA people were living in the medieval era due to the FCR. They were deprived of basic rights and basic civic facilities. He demanded due share in the CPEC for the tribal areas because of the sacrifices made by the FATA people in the recent years as this would pave way for development of the area.

He said that the merger of the FATA was Khyber P. was the demand of the tribal people as also a crying need of the hour, and added that those opposing the merger and FATA reforms were not sincere with the tribal people.

The JI chief stressed upon the government to announce a big financial package for the construction of infrastructure, educational institutions, hospitals and creation of jobs for the tribal youth.

The meeting was attended by JI Secretary General, Liaqat Baloch, JI chiefs for Balochistan Maulana Abdul Haq Hashmi, JI FATA chief Sardar Khan, Prof. Muhammad Ibrahim, JI Foreign Affairs chief Abdul Ghaffar Aziz.

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