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DG ACE directs the officers to nab the 413 proclaimed offenders

Lahore : Director General Anti-Corruption Establishment Punjab, Brig.(R) Muzaffar Ali Ranjha has directed Regional Directors of Anti-Corruption to arrest all the proclaim offenders (POs) and passed on directions of Chief Minister Punjab to Regional Police Officers and District Police Officers concerned to provide special squads of armed policemen for raids.

While addressing monthly review meeting of Regional Directors of ACE Punjab, DG Anti-Corruption said that corruption in government departments is being checked and corrupt officials are being nabbed.

The campaign was started from the Anti-Corruption Establishment following self-accountability and corrupt officials had been sent behind bars. Campaign is on against corrupt officials without discrimination, power and authority, he added. DG revealed that a number of complaints of bribery have been received against Drug Inspectors and Registry Staff.

He directed Regional Directors to focus Drug Inspectors, Registry Staff, fake housing schemes and cooperative housing societies in their concerned divisions and take ruthless action against the corrupt officials.

As many as 413 Proclaim Offenders and 189 Court Absconders are required to be arrested and Chief Minister Punjab has directed Regional Police Officers and District Police Officers to provide special squad of armed policemen to the concerned Anti-Corruption Officers for the arrest of POs and CAs., told DG ACE.

He also directed to compile record of asset declarations of the officials and officers of Anti-Corruption Establishment till March 31 for official purposes. Complaint Mafia, used to lodge complaints against government officials aiming at to black mail them, would be checked and discouraged.

Anti-Corruption Establishment is not only mandated to check corruption in government departments but also responsible to protect government functionaries from the black mailing of corrupt mafia, concluded the DG ACE Punjab.

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