While commenting about the media reports of return of Sindh Assembly Criminal Law Protection Bill of forced religious conversion by Governor Sindh Saeed ul Zaman Siddiqui, prominent Hindu parliamentarian Dr Ramesh Kumar said that unanimously passed bill could not be called “controversial” and the motive behind the forced conversion bill was to prevent the incidents of kidnapping and forced conversions of teenage Hindu girls, while ensuring the respect to all religions.
He emphasized that no civilized society allows its under age citizens for driving, smoking, applying for regular employment, registering marriage, obtaining driving license and passport, and other life issues. “The possible return of unanimously approved bill would not only increase the sense of insecurity among non-muslim citizens, but also put a question mark on the Pakistan’s parliamentary system on international level,” he said.
Dr Ramesh Kumar Vankwani once again expressed that Pakistan Hindu Council has never oppose religious conversion as a result of preaching or studying the religion but the real issue is the safety of the immature juvenile victim Hindu girls in Sindh who are abducted, forced to convert religion and thus separated from their parents. Dr Ramesh Kumar said that no one can better take care of immature children than parents and in Islamic countries like Malaysia consent of parents of under 18 children for religion conversion is necessary according to local laws.
Dr Ramesh Kumar while commenting about the protest of religious parties said that he respects the follower of every religion and is ready to play pro-active role to remove the grievance and concern of all stakeholders.
On the occasion, he said that Pakistan Hindu Council highly encourages debate and dialogue between parliamentary parties. “Keeping in view the sensitivity of the issue, I would like to suggest PPPP President Mr Asif Ali Zardari to call All Parties Conference so that mutual consciousness could be made after listening to the view points of Pakistan Hindu Council and other protesting religious parties,” he said, while assuring his commitment to represent the vulnerable Hindu community, in case if the APC is called.