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The legal fraternity observes “International Day for Peace” in Mandi Bahauddin

the-legal-fraternity-observes-international-day-for-peace-in-mandi-bahauddinMandi Bahauddin(Sher Gondal ) : The senior lawyers gathered in district bar room to observe “International Day for Peace”. Ex President Aslam Faiz was in chair who, giving background of the day, said each year the International day of peace is observed around the world on 21 September.

The UN General Assembly declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples, He said for this year theme is “partnerships for peace –Dignity for All”. Aim of this theme is to high light importance of all segments of society to work together to strive for peace. He said this is equally important for all nations of the world to strengthen cooperation with sincerity to end violence and restore peace.

Other speakers also stressed the need for promotion of peace through creating interfaith harmony and cooperation. They urged government to hold joint seminars of public servants and public leaders to promote cooperation to boost efforts for restoring peace.

They regretted that at grass root level the government servants do not allow public participation in decision making and indulge in corrupt practices. Such anti people attitude draw ire and lose confidence of the public in government.

Naveed Kadhar Advocate said main reason of violence in society was rampant corruption. He said peace can’t prevail till the monster of corruption is controlled.


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