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Ex-Servicemen hails CJP Anwar Zaheer Jamali for pointing out failure of NAB, FIA and AC

Mandi Bahauddin: Leaders of Anti Corruption Movement in a meeting with Major Sher Gondal retired President Pakistan Ex-Servicemen Society Mandi Bahauddin in chair hailed Chief Justice of Pakistan Anwar Zaheer Jamali for pointing out failure of NAB, FIA and Anti Corruption Department to tackle rampant corruption in the country.Chief Justice of Pakistan Anwar Zaheer Jamali

In his address to Larkana Bar the Chief Justice depicted true picture of corruption gripping the country since its creation, they added. They also praised the CJ for saying “country is victim of excessive legislation.” They opined “more laws more corruption”. Sher Gondal said Anti corruption departments and institutions created under special laws make deals with the perpetrators and declare them clear of grafting allegations without prosecution. These institutions rather have been protecting the culprits. He said officers posted in these departments are favorites of rulers and they lack moral courage to investigate corruption cases transparently.

They succumb to pressure of their bosses to save their lucrative jobs. It would be in public interest if all special laws are repealed and institutions created under them are dissolved, he demanded. He said with dissolution of these institutions corruption would be reduced to great extent.

There should be one law for all that should be followed without any discrimination. He said the statement of the Chief Justice had encouraged the anti corruption movement workers and leaders and they would continue struggle to tackle the corrupt elements. He however regretted government was not serious to end corruption.

He said a letter was sent to Commissioner Gujranwala with a request to hold seminars at district level where all stake holders should be invited to expose corruption in their respective areas and evolve suitable measures for curbing this menace. But the Commissioner has not taken any notice of their request. He said without the support of government public could not fight corruption.

He urged government to take practical steps to end corruption to save the public from various criminal mafias including corrupt and dishonest government officials.


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