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World Bank delegation visits PITB

Dr Umar SaifLahore: A delegation of the World Bank visited Punjab IT Board (PITB) on Tuesday where Chairman PITB Dr. Umar Saif  briefed it about the midterm progress on Punjab Public Management Reforms Project (PPRMP) in a meeting held at Arfa Software Technology Park.

The delegation was headed by the Task Team Leader Zubair Kurshid Bhatti accompanied by Senior Public Sector Specialist Ms Clelia Rontoyanni and Consultant Naveed Saeed. Dr. Saif said that the PITB team was working hard to achieve the given targets such as to enhance transparency, resource management and performance monitoring in the Health, Agriculture, Excise & Taxation, Higher Education, Irrigation, Livestock & Dairy Development , Local Government & Community Development and School Education Department of Punjab by skilful use of smart technology.

He said “our e-Vaccs program is so successful that Khyber Pakhtnukha and Baluchistan are also replicating it. Another program “Vet-Inspect” is a smart phone application that enables district administrative officers to inspect facility per pre-defined targets and report data on the move. More than 100 smart phones have been provided to the District and Deputy District Officers Livestock who have recorded more than 700 monitoring activities so far. Similarly Android-based smartphones have been provided to districts supervisory officers of Health department i.e. EDO, DO and DDO who have been tasked with visiting health facilities in government hospitals across the province.

Supervisory officers report data through ‘Healthwatch’ Application for indicators like non-functional equipment, stock-out medicines and absenteeism, the supervisors takes a self-photo that is submitted along with the data to authenticate that the officer visited the facility in-person. The reports submitted by these officers automatically pop up on a map in real-time with GPS accuracy of 5 meters and available for use by managers at various levels. The Health Watch program has helped improve attendance of doctors and staff in public hospitals. Moreover a number of helplines are functional to bridge up the gap between departments and the citizens”

The World Bank team discussed the scaling up of PPRMP and lauded performance of PITB on the project. Zubair Khurshid Bhatti assured of maximum assistance to make it a success.

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