Lahore: More than 132,000 challans have been issued under e-Ticketing system since its inception in September 2015 at all Motorways and certain National Highways of Punjab, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Baluchistan.
Chairman Punjab IT Board (PITB) Dr. Umar Saif said it while addressing a meeting held at the Arfa Software technology Park on Monday. He said that after making the system operational in Sindh, it would cover almost all 50 beats of Motorways and National Highways across the country. He explained the process that when a ticket is smacked, the violator immediately receives an SMS regarding his violation and penalty, the offenders are also given a receipt of payment of e-ticket while record of each violator is documented that helps to spot repetitive violations on part of a commuter.
Dr. Saif said that e-Ticketing system devised by the PITB had shown a staggering 99% commuter satisfaction. He said the new tech system replaced traditional challan issuance and makes the whole process easier in addition to improve efficiency and vigilance of traffic wardens and to facilitate commuters.”
“The system also helps analyse traffic engineering and road management, evaluates key performance indicators of wardens and track their locations on roads. It also enables the commuters to record their feedback. After the warden issues challan or provides assistance to the commuters, he is supposed to register their feedback; the commuter thenceforth receives an SMS enquiring about the level of satisfaction. The feedback helps detect loopholes in the system as well improve service delivery.
The dashboard shows that 744 out of 750 showed satisfaction through their sms feedback.” He added.