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JI to launch a drive against corruption in March :Senator Siraj ul Haq

Senator Siraj ul HaqLahore: Ameer, Jamaat e Islami, Pakistan, Senator Sirajul Haq, has said that the corrupt feudal lords and capitalists were the main obstacle in the Islamic system and the economic progress of the country.

Addressing the Ijtema of the Islami Jamiat e Talibat at Mansoora on Saturday, he said that an Islamic Pakistan alone could bring prosperity to the country. He said the JI was struggling for an Islamic Pakistan that would guarantee basic facilities of education, health and security and jobs to the masses. The women folk would get their rights and due respect, the workers would get share in the industrial profits and the jobless youth would get unemployment allowance.

Sirajul Haq said that Pakistan could become a welfare state only through the enforcement of the Shariah. He said that the women folk had always been in the forefront in the struggle for the enforcement of the Shariah.

The JI chief criticized the NLG agreement with Qatar. He said the details of the pact were kept secret and the gas from Qatar would be most expansive.  He said that Pakistan would to pay for the gas even if the gas was not procured and would pay fine in case a similar pact was signed with any other country.

Sirajul Haq slated the sudden rise in the prices of drugs and medicines and said that the pharmaceutical companies had made the life of the masses miserable. He said that an artificial shortage of medicines had been created. On one hand, he said, the government was increasing taxes on the general public while on the other hand, the pharmaceutical companies were given free hand to suck the blood of the poor. He demanded an immediate withdrawal of the raise in the medicines prices.

He said that the parliament in the country was only in name as decisions on major issues were taken by passing the parliament.

The JI chief said that Islam was the religion of love and peace but the enemy was projecting it as a faith believing in bloodshed and inhuman activities. He said there was a calculated campaign to tarnish the fair name of Islam through negative propaganda. He said the only way out for the Ummah was to gain strength and political leadership so that such people were got elected to the assemblies as would enforce the Shariah in the country.

He said the JI was launching a drive against corruption in March next as the menace of corruption had crippled the whole society and the rulers had transferred trillions of the plundered money outside the country. He said that if such money was brought back to the country, the entire debt on the state could be paid off and basic facilities could also be provided to the masses.

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