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The constitution is a guarantor of basic human rights of every citizen:Dr. Rauf-i-Azam

Vice Chancellor University of Education Prof. Dr. Rauf-i-AzamLahore: University of Education and Ministry of Human Rights, Government of Pakistan jointly organized a seminar titled “Human Rights: Education and Sensitization” in Seminar Hall, Admin Block, Township Campus.

Vice Chancellor University of Education Prof. Dr. Rauf-i-Azam presided over the seminar while Director General Human Rights M. Arshad, Director Zulfiqar Ali, Regional Director Lubna Mansoor, Deputy Director Ali Mazari and Dean School of Communication and Media Studies, University of Central Punjab Prof. Dr. Mughees ud Din Sheikh were the guest speakers. Principals and Directors of varsity Campuses and Divisions, faculty members and a large number of students were also present at occasion. The basic objective of the seminar was to aware, educate and sensitize students about human rights, its legal proceedings and current scenario.

Addressing the seminar, Director General Human Rights M. Arshad said that the constitution of Pakistan is a guarantor of basic human rights of every citizen. In democratic societies, youth’s education, awareness and active participation is of great importance for better implementation and protection of human rights. Day by day increasing violence incidents in society can only be stopped when we respect other rights. He also threw light on ministry’s performance, ongoing projects and other related affairs.

In his address, Vice Chancellor University of Education Prof. Dr. Rauf-i-Azam said that society is an aggregate of human beings where rights and duties are both an essential elements. Unfortunately the prevailing discriminative attitudes in our society are not only a shameful act but also a big hurdle in implementation of government writ. We should abide by the golden principals of humanity in our individual and social lives so that we could make our country a peaceful society.

While talking on media’s role and characteristics regarding human rights, Prof. Dr. Mughees ud Din Sheikh said that media can effectively eliminate the increasing intolerant culture, injustice and ignorance from society. “A careful reporting under journalistic ethical frame on human rights, issues and challenges is need of hour”, he added. Moreover he stressed the students to work passionately for our beloved country’s progress and development by respecting the human rights in good manner.

Regional Director Lubna Mansoor and Deputy Director Ali Mazari said that every religion of world stresses on humanity. Our religion Islam is also a great preacher of human rights while the last sermon of holy prophet Muhammad (PBUH) named Khtba Huja-tl-Wadda is no doubt a real charter of humanity. They advised the students to make themselves a role model for others and respect and work for human rights with missionary zeal.

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