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MPA Kanwal Nauman gone in coma during Punjab Assembly session

MPA Kanwal NaumanCM TickersLahore: MPA Kanwal Nauman fainted during the Punjab Assembly session,she was immediately taken to Jinnah Hospital where her condition was described “critical”.

According to the Drs ,she had a brain hemorrhage and gone in coma,best efforts are being made to save her life.MPA Kanwal Nauman  is being treated at Intensive Care Unit.Kanwal Nauman MPA

Her death rumor became viral soon after when she was shifted to ICU,so much so,chief minister’s office issued a condolence message but later on realizing,the office of the CM Punjab taken back the news.

The irresponsible media while in a race of braking news,broke the death news of the MPA Kanwal Nauman and played documentaries on his life achievements.

A lady MPA after watching the death news,announced Kanwal’s death in the session and all the members including the speaker Rana Muhammad Iqbal expressed grief and sorrow over her sad demise but when they came to know that Kanwal Nauman is still alive and swiftly recovering,the speaker expressed announce over the said female member and lashed her for irresponsible attitude.

The family and the fans of the actresses Kanwal condemned the media for showing nonsense and questioned what kind of freedom is this ???

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