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The operations team of PPMRP holds a video conference with the District Officers

Dr Anjum AliLahore: The operations team of Punjab Public Management Reform Program (PPMRP) held a video conference with the District Officers (Agriculture) of  the province at Arfa Software Technology Park on Tuesday to review progress on the program.

The meeting was attended among others by the Director General (Extension & A.R.) Punjab Dr. Muhammad Anjum Ali, Director Extension Agriculture and officers from Punjab IT Board (PITB). The meeting was informed that the performance of Agriculture department was on an upward trajectory due to ICT interventions introduced by the PITB in districts

while the attendance of the employees was also improved. The DG Agricultural said “The digitization of agricultural data, through PPMRP introduced application AGRI-SMART, has enabled the implementation of long-term strategies to increase yields and land use maximization, facilitate farmers and plan more effective agricultural interventions.

Agri-Smart program is very useful as the modern information & communication tools were working differently and effectively to monitor the performance of the workers. We are quite satisfied with the progress of the project and assure our full cooperation in this regard. It will minimize our problems and increase the agricultural production in the province.”

The meeting analyzed the hurdles described by the field officers and assured to remove them as soon as possible.

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