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Col. (r) Dr. Jamshaid Ahmad Tareen was an honest:Rafique Tarar

Rafiq Tarar addressing NPT meetingLahore: Col. (r) Dr. Jamshaid Ahmad Tareen’s integrity and honesty was above board. He was always on the forefront of nation-building activities demonstrating great patriotism with a strong belief in the glorious future of Pakistan. His sons Shoukat Tareen and Azmat Tareen are, now, serving the nation following in the footsteps of their father. The charm, harmony and beauty of his physical and facial feature was commensurate with the inner beauty of his character. He helped the poor and indigent people without publicizing the fact. Truthfulness and fearlessness were prominent features of his adorable character. He worked tirelessly for the Muslim League and the MSF. After doing his MBBS, he joined the Pak Army. After retirement he worked as administrator of the Ganga Ram Hospital. As Trustee and Chairman of the Pakistan Movement Workers Trust, he rendered outstanding services for the Pakistan Movement workers. He was fortunate enough to have two devoted and talented sons to look after him during his death-bed illness.

These views were expressed at a condolence reference held in the memory of Col. (r) Dr. Jamshed Ahmad Tareen jointly organized by the Nazaria-i-Pakistan Trust and Pakistan Movement Workers Trust. The speakers included Nazaria-i-Pakistan Trust Chairman Muhammad Rafique Tarar, Vice Chairman, Prof. Dr. Rafique Ahmad, Shoukat Tareen, Nazaria-i-Pakistan Trust Chief Co-ordinator Farooq Altaf, CPNE president Mujeeb-ur-Rehman Shami, Chairman Guard group of industries Iftikhar Ali Malik, Justice (r) Mian Aftab Farrukh, Ch. Naeem Hussain Chattha, Dr. Ajmal Niazi, Col. (r) Salim Malik, Prof. Dr. Parveen Khan and Begum Mehnaz Rafi. The proceedings were conducted by Nazaria-i-Pakistan Trust Secretary Shahid Rasheed.

Muhammad Rafique Tarar observed that the deceased took an energetic part in the Pakistan Movement and rendered glorious services for its workers by providing them much-needed aid and assistance. He subscribed to the ideology of Pakistan and the messages of the Quaid-i-Azam and Allama Muhammad Iqbal. By taking the deceased as a role-model, we would, in fact, be following in the footsteps of our great national heroes. May Allah grant him bliss and beatitude in the hereafter, Tarar observed.

Prof. Dr. Rafique Ahmad observed that the deceased transmitted the verve, zeal and enthusiasm which characterized the Pakistan Movement, in its purest form. He remained engaged in the service of the nation till the very last moment. He was keenly desirous of inculcating the very best values of life in the upcoming generations, Dr. Rafique Ahmad observed.

The elder son of the deceased observed that it was due to his father’s advice and training that he always stood on principle and preferred to resign from his ministership, instead of forsaking his principles. At the clinics that he ran, the deceased would treat his indigent patients free of charge. He just couldn’t help coming to the rescue of anybody in trouble. He stressed on earning one’s livelihood honestly in order to attain salvation and grace, Shoukat Tareen observed.

Mian Farooq Altaf observed that the deceased was saturated with humanitarianism helping the helpless and poor people secretly. He wanted Islamic values to be enforced in the social, political and economic spheres. He stressed the need for imparting ideological education and training to the new generation. The Nazaria-i-Pakistan Trust and Pakistan Movement Workers Trust have managed to train 3.5 million students in this regard. One hundred and eighteen workshops have been held to train teachers, headmasters and principals of educational institutions. Unshakeable determination, dauntless courage and strong faith were the hallmarks of the deceased’s character, Mian Farooq Altaf observed.

Mujeeb-ur-Rehman Shami observed that the deceased remained busy participating in the nation-building activities like a true solder till his last breath. He was in contact with the Quaid-i-Azam during the Pakistan Movement. Prolonged illness could not weaken his will power. By taking him as a role-model, we could attain an honourable status in the comity of nations, Shami observed.

Dr. Ajmal Niazi observed that affection for the fellow human beings was a prominent feature of his personality even in his old age. His love for humanity was above board.

Iftikhar Ali Malik stressed the need for the development of youth in the business sector, so that the vacuum in the trade politics could be filled.

Ch. Naeem Hussain Chattha observed that the deceased possessed an ideal character with extensive study and experience. He was so kind and affectionate towards the fellow human beings.

Col. (r) Salim Malik narrated his reminiscences of the deceased encompassing his achievements and accomplishment.

Prof. Dr. Parveen Khan observed that the deceased always exhorted everybody to work for the glory of Pakistan.

Begum Mehnaz Rafi termed the deceased as an institution. He could narrate the past incidents with all the details. He was fond of entertaining people and frequently invited them to feasts. He was anxious to see Pakistan as a state envisioned by the Quaid-i-Azam and Allama Muhammad Iqbal.

A session of prayers was held at the end of the condolence reference for the salvation and elevation of the deceased’s soul.

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