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PM Nawaz Sharif approves the revised Assistance Package for the families of deceased Government employees

Nawaz SharifLahore: Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif on Thursday approved the revised assistance package for the families of government employees who died during service, including an increase of lump sum grant by 300 percent for civilian employees.

The package will take into effect from February 9, 2015.

An amount of Rs 0.6 million will be given for BS 1-4, Rs 0.9 million for BS 5-10, Rs 1.2 million for BS 11- 15, Rs 1.5 million for BS 16-17, Rs 2.4 million for BS 18-19 and three million rupees for BS-20 and above.

For the security-related deaths, the lump sum package includes an amount of three million rupees for BS 1-6, five million rupees for BS 17, nine million rupees for BS 18-19 and Rs 10 million for BS 20 and above.

Also, Rs 0.7 million will be given to the officers/officials incapacitated and released from service for having become invalid as a result of injury in encounters, bombs blasts, riots, during watch and ward duty or terrorist activity.

However, those who were incapacitated due to injury in accidents but are still serving in the department will get Rs 0.5 million.

The families of the deceased government servants during their in-service or security-related death will get 100 percent pension as per their length of service and last pay drawn. In case of less than 10 years service of the deceased employee, the rate of minimum 10 years service will be applicable.

The families of such deceased will be allowed to retain the government houses or payment of rent of hired house till the age of superannuation.

The government will provide free education to all the children of the deceased government employees up to graduation at any government educational institution including expenses of tuition fee, books, related material and living allowances.

The entitlement of two percent quota for allotment of plot has been discontinued. Instead, the payment of lump sum grant will be given in lieu of plot subject to the condition that no plot had been allotted in the past. The amount includes two million rupees for BS 1-8, five million rupees for BS 9-16 and seven million rupees for BS 17 and above.

The employment for posts in BS 01 to 15 on two years contract would be given without advertisement.

An amount of Rs 0.8 million will be given under Marriage Grant for one daughter of the deceased government employee.

The families will continue to receive free health facilities as per their entitlement during the service of deceased.

The unpaid balance of the House Building Advance against salaries sanctioned by the AGPR or the provisional AG Office, will be waived off.

An officer of BS 17 or 18 will be nominated by each ministry, division or department as council who will be responsible for finalization and provision of all the facilities under the package to the families within one month of the death of government employee.

A special lump sum grant from Benevolent Fund has been announced for security-related deaths only including Rs 0.2 million for BS 1-10, Rs 0.3 million for BS 11-16, Rs 0.4 million for BS 17-19 and Rs 0.5 million for BS 20 and above.

The package also includes a monthly Benevolent Grant for the families of deceased civilian employees according to their minimum and maximum pay slabs. An amount of Rs 4,000 will be given to the pay slabs upto maximum slab of Rs 5,000, Rs 4,150 (Rs 5,001 minimum to 5,500 maximum slab), Rs 4,300 (Rs 5,501-6,000), Rs 4,500 (Rs 6,001-6,500), Rs 4,600 (Rs 6,501-7,000), Rs 4,750 (Rs 7,001-7,500), Rs 4,900 (Rs 7,501-8,000), Rs 5,050 (Rs 8,001-8,500), Rs 5,200 (Rs 8,501-9,000), Rs 5,350 (Rs 9,001-9,500), Rs 5,600 (Rs 9,501-11,000), Rs 5,900 (Rs 11,001-13,000), Rs 6,200 (Rs 13,001-15,000), Rs 6,500

(Rs 15,001-17,000), Rs 6,800 (Rs 17,001-19,000), Rs 7,100 (Rs 19,001-21,000), Rs 7,400 (Rs 21,001-23,000), Rs 7,700 (Rs 23,001-25,000), Rs 8,000 (Rs 25,001-27,000), Rs 8,300 (Rs 27,001-29,000), Rs 8,600 (Rs 29,001-31,000), Rs 8,900 (Rs 31,001-33,000), Rs 9,200

(Rs 33,001-35,000), Rs 9,500 (Rs 35,001-37,000), Rs 9,800 (Rs 37,001-39,000) and Rs 10,100 (Rs 39,001 and above).

For security-related deaths, the monthly Benevolent Grant will be Rs 8,000 for maximum slab upto Rs 5,000, Rs 8,300 (Rs 5,001 minimum to Rs 5,500 maximum slabs), Rs 8,600 (Rs 5,501-6,000), Rs 8,900 (Rs 6,001-6,500), Rs 9,200 (Rs6,501-7,000), Rs 9,500 (Rs 7,001-7,500), Rs 9,800 (Rs7,501-8,000), Rs 10,100 (Rs 8,001-8,500), Rs 10,400 (Rs 8,501-9,000), Rs 10,700 (Rs 9,001-9,500), Rs 11,200 (Rs 9,501-11,000), Rs 11,800 (Rs 11,001-13,000), Rs 12,400 (Rs13,001-15,000) and Rs 13,000 (15,001-17,000).

The following revised Assistance Package for Government employees, who die in service, w.e.f 9th February, 2015: –


Item In service Deaths


Security related Deaths           



300% increase over the package-2006 for in service death of civilian employees This increase will be given on the 2006  package as per following scales:-


BS Amount


1 – 4 Rs. 600,000
5- 10 Rs. 900,000
11- 15 Rs. 1,200,000
16- 17 Rs. 1,500,000
18- 19 Rs. 2,400,000
20 & above Rs. 3,000,000


a.   Upto Rs.10 million according to following scales:-



BS Amount
1-16 3 Million
17 5 Million
18-19 9 Million
20 & above 10 Million


b.  Rs. 700,000/-to the officers/officials incapacitated and released from service for having become invalid as a result of injury in encounters /bomb blasts, riots/ watch and ward duty or terrorist activity.

c.   Rs. 500,000/- to the officers / officials incapacitated as a result of the injury in accidents as stated in para “b” above but who are still serving in the department.




100% pension to the families of a deceased Government servants as per their length of service and last pay drawn. In case of less than 10 years service of the deceased employees, rate of minimum 10 years service will be applicable. 100% pension to the families of a deceased Government servants as per their length of service and last pay drawn. In case of less than 10 years service of the deceased employees, rate of minimum 10 years service will be applicable.
Accommodation Retention of Government house or payment of rent of hired house till the age of superannuation. Retention of Government house or payment of rent of hired house till the age of superannuation.




Free education to all the children of the deceased government employees up to graduation in any public/ government educational institution including expenses of tuition fee, books related material and living allowances etc.


Free education to all the children of the deceased government employees up to graduation in any public/ government educational institution including expenses of tuition fee, books related material and living allowances etc.


Allotment of Plot




Discontinuation of the entitlement of 2% quota for allotment of plot. Payment of lump sum grant in lieu of plot subject to the condition that no plot had been allotted in the past, as per scale given below:-



BS Amount
1-8 2 Million
9-16 5 Million
17 and above 7 Million
Discontinuation of the entitlement of 2% quota for allotment of plot. Payment of lump sum grant in lieu of plot subject to the condition that no plot had been allotted in the past, as per scale given below:-

BS Amount
1-8 2 Million
9-16 5 Million
17 and above 7 Million


Employment Employment for posts in BS-01 to BS-15 on two years contract without advertisement. Employment for posts in BS-01 to BS-15 on two years contract  without advertisement.
Marriage Grant Marriage grant amounting to Rs.8 lakh, on wedding of one daughter, may be granted to family of deceased Government employees. Marriage grant amounting to Rs.8 lakh, on wedding of one daughter, may be granted to family of deceased Government employees.
Health Free health facilities as per their entitlement during service.


Free health facilities as per their entitlement during service.



In case of advance against salaries sanctioned   by  the AGPR   or the provincial AG Office, the unpaid balance to be waived. In case of advance against salaries sanctioned   by  the AGPR   or the provincial AG Office, the unpaid balance to be waived.
Nomination of an officer as council An officer of BS-17 or BS-18 may be nominated by each Ministry/Division/Department as council who will be responsible for finalization/provision of all the facilities under the package, to the families of Govt. employees who die in service with in one month of the incident. An officer of BS-17 or BS-18 may be nominated by each Ministry/Division/Department as council who will be responsible for finalization/provision of all the facilities under the package, to the families of Govt. employees who die in service with in one month of the incident.



Special Lump Sum Grant from Benevolent Fund






A special lump sum grant from Benevolent   Fund ranging from Rs. 200,000 to Rs.    500,000


# Pay Scales (BS) Lump Sum Grant (RS)
1. 1-10 200,000
2. 11-16 300,000
3. 17-19 400,000
4. 20 and above 500,000


Monthly Benevolent Grant
# Pay Slabs Grant
Minimum Maximum
1 Upto 5,000 4,000
2 5,001 5,500 4,150
3 5,501 6,000 4,300
4 6,001 6,500 4,450
5 6,501 7,000 4,600
6 7,001 7,500 4,750
7 7,501 8,000 4,900
8 8,001 8,500 5,050
9 8,501 9,000 5,200
10 9,001 9,500 5,350
11 9,501 11,000 5,600
12 11,001 13,000 5,900
13 13,001 15,000 6,200
14 15,001 17,000 6,500
15 17,001 19,000 6,800
16 19,001 21,000 7,100
17 21,001 23,000 7,400
18 23,001 25,000 7,700
19 25,001 27,000 8,000
20 27,001 29,000 8,300
21 29,001 31,000 8,600
22 31,001 33,000 8,900
23 33,001 35,000 9,200
24 35,001 37,000 9,500
25 37,001 39,000 9,800
26 39,001 & above   10,100
# Pay Slabs Grant
Minimum Maximum
1 Upto 5,000 8,000
2 5,001 5,500 8,300
3 5,501 6,000 8,600
4 6,001 6,500 8,900
5 6,501 7,000 9,200
6 7,001 7,500 9,500
7 7,501 8,000 9,800
8 8,001 8,500 10,100



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