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Home / Crime / DPO Hafizabad orders to arrest SI Ashfaq Hussain for poor investigation

DPO Hafizabad orders to arrest SI Ashfaq Hussain for poor investigation

SI Ashfaq Sukheki,Hafizabad arrested for poor investigationLahore: DPO Hafizabad Shakir Hussain Dawar has ordered to arrest SI Ashfaq Hussain of P.S. Sukheki for poor investigation of murder case.

The DPO said that no hurdle would be beared in way of providing justice,the cops who did a criminal negligence would be dealt strictly,he added.

The arrest of SI Ashfaq Hussain has downed the moral of the police,cops found stating that no one commit negligence in a murder case but the sentence of arrest & locked up of the Investigation officers was more than that  to work with honesty and dignity.

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