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A delegation of ex-servicemen visits the residence of late Gen Hamid Gul

3Lahore: A joint delegation of ex-servicemen from Mandi Bahauddin and Islamabad  led by Major Sher Gondal PESS president Mandi Bahauddin and PESS president Islamabad Major Tariq Rahmani visited residence of late Gen Hamid Gull and condoled with Abdullah Gul  over death of his father Gen Hamid Gul . It expressed sympathies with Abdullah and prayed for eternal peace for the departed soul.

The delegation then moved to Shadi Khan Village and visited houses of various shaheeds of Shadi Khan Blast. They shared grief and pain with family members of shaheeds and prayed for eternal peace for the departed souls. They visited residence of late Col Shuja Khanzada and condoled with Jahangir Khanzada over death of his father in the blast.

They expressed their sympathies with Jahangir and other family members. While talking to media persons here Sher Gondal said sadness and gloom still grip the village Shadi Khan. Mourning continued in every house of 22 Shaheeds of the blast. The delegation also visited grave yard and offered Fateha on the graves of Shaheeds.  He said he learnt from villagers that earlier three resident s of Shadi Khan were martyred in Peshawar blast.

On a question from media men Sher Gondal said according to heirs of Shaheeds Punjab Government announced Rs five hundred thousand for each Shaheed as compensation for heirs. He said that heirs further told that they refused to get this compensation being very small. He said when asked Jahangir son of Col Shujah told that so far he did not know about the arrest of accused.

Sher Gondal said ex-servicemen desire that Shadi Khan Village be named as village of Shaheeds and heirs of deceased should be granted dignified amount of compensation. About late Col Shujah he said he was very popular in his constituency. He managed to get approved several development projects for his area costing 11 arb rupees. Roads in his constituency were seen as excellent. During his short tenure 120 schools were opened for educating of the children. Health services were improved by equipping medical facilities with modern equipment and renovation. He was honest and competent veteran blended with spirit of serving humanity. He supervised progress of development projects in his areas and exercised strict control over public servants responsible for completion of work. He did not allow misuse of public funds. As a politicians and home minister Punjab he surpassed all present politicians and rulers in his fight against terrorism. He fought head on and crushed network of terrorists in Punjab.

He said his martyrdom in the blast jolted all rulers and the public over worse state of law and order and danger of terrorism for our country. As a result of this Interior Minister Ch Nisar Ali Khan was forced to announce in Mandi Bahauddin at Pakistan Rangers Academy that there was no other alternative left except winning war against terrorism in the country. He said due to his fight against terrorism Col Shuja would always be remembered by generations to come. He deserves highest national award for his outstanding performance in war against terrorism.

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