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CM Punjab Shahbaz Sharif celebrates independence day with his granddaughters

Shahbaz Sharif is celebrating independenc day with his grand daughtersLahore: CM Punjab Shahbaz Sharif celebrated Independence Day with his granddaughters at home. He has the opinion that Independence Day celebrations starts from home, Our kids must know the importance of this day so he just bought them badges and flags.

Meanwhile, Punjab Chief Minister Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif has congratulated the nation on 69thIndependence Day of the country and said that August 14 is a very important day in the national history as it was on this day that a separate country was created for the Muslims of the subcontinent. He said that Pakistan is the result of historic struggle and supreme sacrifices of lakhs of Muslims. He said that it was due to dynamic leadership of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and the struggle of the Muslims that Pakistan was created. He said that August 14 is the day of thanksgiving and renewal of the pledge that every sacrifice will be made for transforming the country in accordance with the ideals of Quaid-e-Azam and Allama Iqbal. He said that on this historic day the nation should pledge that it will continue to struggle for ensuring a dignified status for the country in the comity of nations.

The Chief Minister in his message on Independence Day said that though independence was achieved 69 years ago but the objectives of the creation of Pakistan have not been achieved so far. He said that on this day we should consider why Pakistan is still facing problems while other countries which achieved independence much later have become developed and prosperous. He said that there is a need to deal with the challenges like terrorism, extremism and energy crisis through collective efforts and wisdom. Shahbaz Sharif said that due to unjustified protest last year, precious time of the country was wasted but we should now work hard to make up this loss.

He said that there is a dire need for unity and spirit of sacrifice and to rise above personal interests in the interest of the country. He said that under the leadership of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, foundation a prosperous and developed Pakistan has been laid and now by adopting golden principles of honesty, trust and hard work the country will be steered out of all crises during the next three years and made an Islamic welfare state besides ensuring justice and equal opportunities to all citizens of the society in accordance with the vision of founders of the country.


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