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Sirajul Haq leaves for Saudi Arabia to perform Umrah

pic ameer jipLahore: Ameer , Jamaat e Islami, Pakistan, Senator Sirajul Haq, left here for Saudi Arabia on Saturday to perform Umrah.

In a message before his departure, the JI chief impressed upon the country’s youth to spend most of their time during the last Ashra of the Holy month at the mosques and perform Aitkaf, if possible. He stressed that prayers be offered especially for peace, for the oppressed Muslims in Burma and other parts of the world, and for the prosperity of the Muslim world. He said it was the collective responsibility of the Muslim world to free the oppressed brethren in any part of the world from tyranny and subjugation.

During his stay in the holy land, Sirajul Haq will also meet the Pakistanis residing there. He is expected to stay in the Saudi Arabia for a fortnight.

JI Secretary General, Liaqat Baloch, will officiate as JI Ameer, in the absence abroad of Sirajul Haq.

Liaqat Baloch will host an Iftar dinner for senior journalists and columnists at his residence on July 5.

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