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PBIT signs MoU with Pan-China group to tackle urbanization

Investment BoardLahore: In pursuance of the vision of Chief Minister Punjab to tackle urbanization and catalyze industrial development to spur economic growth a meeting was arranged by Punjab Board of Investment &Trade (PBIT).

The meeting was chaired by the Minister for Housing, Tanveer Aslam Malik and attended by Chairman P&D,  Irfan  Elahi,Chairman PBIT,  Abdul Basit, CEO PBIT, Mohammad Ilyas Ghauri, Chairman Pan China Construction Group Mr Lau,  and Vice Chairman PCCG .

On this occasion PBIT signed MoU with Pan-China group , Beijing. CEO PBIT, Mohammad Ilyas Ghauri and Chairman Pan China Construction Group Mr Lau signed the MoU. This MoU has been signed to enhance economic co-operation between PBIT and Pan-China Construction group as the Chinese group intends to engage in construction activity in Punjab for the available public/private sector projects.

PBIT will provide complete facilitation to the Pan China group to promote effective communication, cooperation and coordination between the Parties as PCG intends to undertake construction projects in the Punjab in respect of infrastructure, urban and industrial development etc,  utilizing its vast experience and resources.

For this purpose PCG may offer / provide integrated services to the joint venture from design, Build, Construct and Financing, Operations and other depending upon the project PBIT would also do the matchmaking by arranging meetings, visits and organize activities to introduce PCG to public and private sector relevant stakeholders and prospective partners for construction and related projects in the Punjab.

PBIT will also facilitate PCG by providing specific product information, identification of joint venture partners, facilitating procedural matters with the respective authorities.

According to Pan China spokesperson involvement of Pan China Group in infrastructure and industrial development will be a milestone of China-Pakistan’s log term and all climate friendship. Pan China group had several meetings with PBIT, P&D, Urban Unit, PIEDMC,  PPP cell and all related departments to get more insight on construction projects available in Punjab.

Pan China group is capable of developing new cities in China and abroad.

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