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PM to restores the original profit of national saving schemes

PM Nawaz Sharif addressing a ceremony held at PAF ,KarachiLahore: A resident of Rawalpindi Imam Raheem has appealed to the Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif that to please have some soft heart for retired people from private sector.
In his request letter, he said that retired people of private sector do not have any pension or medical support from their previous employers.What best they do is to deposit their saved money in national saving schemes as Bahbbod fund,which is safe and gives them monthly income.
Most unfortunately in every Nawaz Sharif government,Ishaq Dar,as finance minister strike fatal blow to them by cutting their saving rates. State Bank or MOF can certainly give extra profit to those[senior citizens-widows]whose deposit are six lakh.Nawaz Sharif can give them the original profit rate of 14 percent which can help them to make them both end meet.
He can also order all big corporations as  chemical,petroleum,fertilizers -FFC  to extend medical facilities to the dependent parents of their employees by fixing reasonable amount.
This will cost government nothing and .00000000000000-1 percent for few thousand Bahbood Fund extremely deserving having deposits upto six lakhs.

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