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Ch Sarwar ask the government to weigh all options before dispatching troops

Ch Muhammad SarwarLahore: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf’s Core Committee Member and Former Governor Muhammad Sarwar precautioned all against engaging Pakistani forces in Yemen.

In a statement issued to the media, he said that the government should weigh all options before dispatching troops to fight someone else’s war.  He told that PTI was closely monitoring the developments unfolding in Yemen conflict and would oppose any policy that is detrimental to our national interests.

He feared that the present government is not prioritising national security.  The common man of Pakistan has always suffered for the mistakes of the ruling elite. He was of the opinion that the history seems to be repeating itself as PML-N government is adamant in making the same mistakes as done by others in the past.

He said that the rulers must put their interests at a back seat and prioritise national interests and take decisions best suited to the current situation of our country. We are inflicted by the menace of terrorism and cannot afford plunging into another crisis. Our forces are already engaged in a war against terrorism and contracting them in a foreign conflict may bring trouble for us at home and hamper our efforts against militancy.

We shall leave no stone unturned to raise our voice for our land and our masses, he noted.

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