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The farmers and the laboureres are facing great hardships in the Punjab: Siraj ul Haq

pic Siraj ul HaqLahore: Ameer, Jamaat e Islami, Pakistan, and Senator-elect, Sirajul Haq, has said that the development and prosperity of the country largely depended on the wellbeing of the farmers’ community comprising 70 per cent of the population. He was talking to a delegation of the tillers that called on him at Muzaffargarh. The delegation was headed by president of the Kisan Board, Pakistan,  Sadiq Khan Khakwani.

Sirajul Haq said that the agriculture was the mainstay of the national economy and the government should give due importance to agriculture along with industry and provide necessary facilities to the agriculturists enabling them to increase the per acre yield of different crops.

The JI chief deplored that India had been committing water aggression against the country by building dams on the Pakistani rivers while the rulers in Islamabad had remained silent on this important issue. The farmers were facing acute shortage of irrigation water due to which the most fertile lands were becoming barren.

He said that the feudal system was the biggest hurdle in the development of agriculture as the feudal lords were controlling all the national institutions and politics. These people had been exploiting the masses for the last 68 years and advancing selfish interests. He said the JI on coming into power, would abolish Jagirs and distribute the taken over lands among landless tillers.

Meanwhile, addressing a press conference at Okara, Sirajul Haq said the farmers and the labourers were facing great hardships in the Punjab. He said the growers of potato and maize were not getting due return for their crop. He demanded that the farmers should be provided farm inputs including seed, pesticides and fertilizer on subsidized rates as was the case in India. He said it was a happy sign that the role of wealth in the Senate election had been ended.

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