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Drama held in the name of senate elections: Dr Tahir ul Qadri

Allama Dr Tahir ul Qadri 21 -10-14Lahore: The Chairman of Pakistan Awami Tehreek Dr. Tahirul Qadri has said that Pakistan’s largest market and a match fixing show was on display in the shape of Senate elections. He said that an ordinance was issued by the President in the darkness of the night which has exposed the importance of the parliament.

Talking to his media advisor on phone from Canada the PAT chief said the Election Commission was nowhere to be seen and Parliamentarians were brought in cages to ensure they cast their vote. The PM had given Rs 3 crore to each MP as bribe and fed them food for a week to ensure that the PML-N wins the maximum number of Senate seats. He said under these circumstances where does the Parliament stand morally?

The PAT chief said that sham democracy and sham elections will never change the future of the poor people of the country. He said this was the biggest fraud anyone has ever played in the history of the country and the rulers have to their credit of holding incomplete senate elections.

He said to improve their position the PML-N stopped the senate elections in FATA and that too in the darkness of the night. He said after this move the little trust the people had on democracy has now vanished and once again it has been proven that money rules supreme in our country. He said this ordinance show what importance the rulers have in their hearts about the decisions taken in the All Parties Conference, which is now proven to be a drama only to gain time to extend their rule.

Dr. Tahirul Qadri said that until elections are not held in FATA the senate shall remain incomplete and the elections for its chairman and deputy chairman cannot be held. He said this is the work of the powers which support status co and do not want to see this system run smoothly.

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